
Easy Soapy Science Fun

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I am all for easy science experiments and this is now on our list.

All you need is a bar of Ivory soap and a microwave and this:


Turns into this:

I saw this super easy tutorial over at Toys in the Dryer so head over there for the how to. Basically you microwave soap – my kind of experiment!

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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!


  1. Meighan Graham Reply

    I came across your site while on Pinterest. I was looking for ideas for my two boys, ways to have more fun. In a house with some girls they tend to get looked over too often. Thank you for having such great ideas, it's a gold mine! I showed my boys and they loved it:) Right away, they got busy with getting supplies ready for the Paper Football. We are going to try this soap science project today, no doubt about it. Since I am not very creative (in this way), I am appreciating your site more than you know! God Bless you and your boys! 🙂

  2. Meighan Graham Reply

    I came across your site while on Pinterest. I was looking for ideas for my two boys, ways to have more fun. In a house with some girls they tend to get looked over too often. Thank you for having such great ideas, it's a gold mine! I showed my boys and they loved it:) Right away, they got busy with getting supplies ready for the Paper Football. We are going to try this soap science project today, no doubt about it. Since I am not very creative (in this way), I am appreciating your site more than you know! God Bless you and your boys! 🙂

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