DIY Toy Stand

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We are working on some ways to make our own toy stand for smaller objects like LEGO minifigures for easy display. Here’s one we came up with that is similar to what we bought for the larger collectibles but that could be made in so many different ways and whatever size you want.

DIY toy display stand

I used thicker cardboard because it’s what I had on hand. You could use thinner cardboard or foam board. Using a ruler and a bone folder I cut through half of the cardboard on opposite sides, equal distance apart.

DIY toy display stand

That way when they’re folded they create stairs.

DIY toy display stand

Then I traced the shape onto more cardboard so that the support would fit perfectly.

DIY toy display stand

I cut this out and then made a duplicate for the other side.

DIY toy display stand

DIY toy display stand

Then, I used hot glue to hold it all together. I did trim the supports a bit for a better fit.

DIY toy display stand DIY toy display stand

Depending on what materials were used to make this  you could paint, leave as is or cover with paper.

DIY toy display stand

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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!

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