
11 Activities Using Straws

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As I was going through ideas for straw week I realized we had already done a lot of fun activities using straws so thought an All for the Boys straw roundup would be fun for our Monday morning! Who knew straws were so fun?!

11 Activities using straws

  1. The best fart noises
  2. Straw Planes
  3. Building with straws
  4. Centrifuge sprinkler
  5. Science of motion
  6. Air Blown Art
  7. Balloon Races
  8. DIY Duck Call
  9. Straw Rockets
  10. Snowball fight game
  11. Articulated skeleton hand

Welcome to the third week of Summer Camp Matherial Themed Weeks! This week is straw week where we’ll share an activity using paper plates each day. If you have an activitiy please share it here or on our Facebook page! We’ll try and do a round up at the end of each week.

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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!

1 Comment

  1. The centrifuge sprinkle – and "robot hand"/articulated skeleton are already on our summer-to-do list. Glad to see your tutorials. I think they might be better than the ones I had bookmarked 🙂

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