Shadow Boxes

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My boys LOVE little things. You know when you empty the pockets of your kids’ wash and wonder why in the world they wanted to save those little “treasures”? When I saw this post from my friend Jennifer Kirk on Bloesom Kids

(cute right?!)

it reminded me that I never shared one of my solutions for one of my boys’ most favorite little treasures LEGO minifigs.

A while back I had posted this picture on our Facebook page

Saying that I was working on a project for the boys’ room. Well since I’m all about honesty. I’ve only gotten 2 (out of 8) of them done, but you still get the point.

 I swear I could have a wall of these things and still not fit all the guys we have in there.

I found these little shadow boxes at Greenbacks (a dollar store) and spray painted them black. I haven’t sealed them yet and we are still deciding on the best way to keep the men from falling off. They stay on fine but if you run into the wall (which for whatever reason happens often here) some may fall. I’m thinking of glueing a small LEGO strip to the bottom of each box to set the guys on.

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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!


  1. We've used mini figures in diaoramas for school and I've "temporarily" secured them using a hot glue gun. The glue peels off pretty easily once you're finished, but keeps them in place pretty well. I'm not sure what it would do to the finish on your boxes… but it might be worth a try.

  2. Very cool! I love that you have to think of how to keep them in there since people are always running into the wall!! Too funny, I think the idea of gluing the lego strip in is genius!

  3. I just showed my son this and he is ready to go shopping.
    This is something easy enough that he can participate in and be proud of 'making' himself.

  4. I just showed my son this and he is ready to go shopping.
    This is something easy enough that he can participate in and be proud of 'making' himself.

  5. LOVE this! i've realized recently that i don't have anything in my littles' room for them to keep "their" stuff. i just tell them to put it on their dressers, or save it in their sock drawer if it's some sort of keepsake. i think i'm going to install shelving above each of their dressers for this type of thing, and i love the shadow box idea specifically. combined with the shelving, it can be a way of stacking things while still displaying them! and isn't spray paint AWESOME?!

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