
Floating Construction

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DIY pool noodle floating construction

Some of the longest lasting activities around here have no real end result in mind. Pool noodles are one of those fun materials that have so many options. Give your kids a big stack of them with a few supplies and see what they come up with!

The boys have been wanting to try making a raft or boat out of them so here’s what they did for a few hours with some trial and error.

DIY pool noodle floating construction

DIY pool noodle floating construction

DIY pool noodle floating construction

DIY pool noodle floating construction

DIY pool noodle floating construction

DIY pool noodle floating construction

DIY pool noodle floating construction

DIY pool noodle floating construction

Now they are researching how to make a boat out of logs thinking they can use some of the tips on their construction.

If you use duct tape on your projects, make sure the duct tape is sticking to itself not just the noodles because once it gets wet it won’t stick as well. As long as it’s overlapping it should be good.

For construction other than boats I love this DIY erector set idea from Dadstruction

and the Noodleblox connectors

The boys also thought some rubberbands might help.

What other supplies would you use in pool noodle construction?

It’s the fourth week of Summer Camp Matherial Themed Weeks! This week is pool noodle week where we’ll share an activity using paper plates each day. If you have an activitiy please share it here or on our Facebook page! We’ll try and do a round up at the end of each week.

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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!

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