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Who doesn’t love getting mail? I remember getting excited over a catalog coming in the mail let alone a magazine just for me or better yet a card or letter. Well did you know that through the USPS you can mail just about anything? The Giverslog has some amazing happy mail inspiration. (Click on each image below for the direct link to the post)
Wouldn’t this brighten your day?
what about this?
or this?
or a ball?
or an Easter egg filled with little treats?
The possibilities are endless! The Giverslog has lots of other 13oz or less ideas for mailing. Wouldn’t this just make your child’s day? What about your Penpal?
Do you still love getting happy mail?
That is too cool! I had no idea! And yes, I would love receiving that- I love any mail!
This is SO awesome!! Thanks for sharing!!
wow – I had no idea you could mail this stuff – what fun – fyi- my boys loved getting their pen pal letters the other day and have already written back – thanks for organizing it
The post office will ship just about anything! I once received a coconut in the mail. A friend of mine sent me a handpainted Happy Birthday coconut from Key West. No packaging, nothing. Just an address label stuck to the back with postage attached. (I think I still have it!)
thanks, it's a great idea.
I love this idea!!
It is fun, but the PO doesn't have to accept an unpackaged item — even one properly labeled and posted. However, if you drop it in a blue mail box, like the ones outside the post office, they will deliver it. And you get to avoid the lecture about proper packaging.