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We are leaving on a jet plane (to HAWAII!!) but I never want to leave you without inspiration so I’ve asked some bloggers to fill in for me while I’m gone. Up first is The Happy Family Movement!
School is out and summer is HERE!! That means hot days filled with bike riding in the cul-de-sac, swimming at the pool, checking things off our summer bucket list, and nights filled with baseball games and more swimming!
As summer was approaching, I was SO excited. But I was also a little nervous. There always seems to be SO many things that need to be done (that comes with raising three kids and running multiple businesses, I suppose!). But I want to make sure we actually ENJOY our summer and take full advantage of it. Come August, we’ll have two kids in school full time and our littlest will be in preschool part time. But for the next 2 ½ months, they are ALL OURS!
In a moment of mom panic, I wrote down a little daily schedule. It’s nothing crazy, but hopefully it will help us keep on task this summer, getting stuff done and having fun! So far, it’s working well, but we’re only a week in. Here’s our summer schedule:
Eat breakfast, do the dishes, clean the kitchen
Play outside/swimming lessons
Early lunch at 11:30 am
Do chores: put away laundry, pick up the house
Reading time for Max & Ava/work on reading with Lia
Quiet time for the kids/prep dinner/answer email
Cook dinner while the kids play in the backyard or in their rooms
Early dinner at 4:30 pm (with SO many baseball games, early meals just work better)
Head to the baseball fields/go swimming/play in the cul-de-sac
Kids go to bed
We work!
How’s your summer going? What does your typical day look like? What are you doing to make sure you don’t let summer pass you by?
Summer bucket list nearly complete for this year. My boys aren't out of school yet, so we officially start Summer on Monday. But what are you using to take your amazing underwater pictures???
Hi Angie! Glad to hear your summer bucket list is almost done!! Josh & I are professional photographers, so we've got a ton of awesome gear 🙂 Those images were shot with a Nikon D700 and Nikon 24mm f1.4 lens with an underwater bag housing!