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I recently discovered The Cardboard Collective a beautiful blog filled with cardboard inspiration. I loved this smart idea so much I had to share.
You know those extra sturdy fruit and vegetable boxes? (we’ve gotten them at Costco here) Well attach some casters to the bottom of one of those + one of dad’s old ties and you have lots of (cheap) fun!
Check out The Cardboard Collective for all the details and even more cardboard fun!
1 Comment
This really cracks me up. I think this idea is only "good" because the author has girls. If I did this and gave it to my boys, who are almost 4 and 2.5 years old, it would result in disaster in maybe 5 minutes or less. Someone would get hurt, they would fight over whose turn it was to pull or sit in it, it would tip over somehow, they'd run into something and break it…etc. I really had to laugh when I saw this one. Sure, it made for some awesome pictures, but I really want to know how long the fun actually lasted. Right? Or do I just have tasmanian devil children? 😀