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We’re sharing our #aftbyearofadventure with #LISTERINE as part of a sponsored series with Socialstars™.
I mentioned earlier this year that we have a goal to have an adventure each month. This can be something big, like a trip, or smaller, like being on stage or a hike we haven’t done before. I thought about an adventure a week but we’ll start with one a month and then will go from there!
We are trying to help build confidence in ourselves and be an example to the boys. I believe that confidence comes from doing (and example) so much more than words. We can tell the boys how awesome they are all day long, but they really need to see and experience it for themselves!
I love that LISTERINE wants to help our confidence this year and help us achieve some of our awesome adventures! Even better? LISTERINE totally gives me confidence by helping me keep my mouth clean and fresh (because that makes a huge difference in how I feel around other people) I will not be interviewing celebrities with airplane breath (you know when your mouth is all dry and gross from the plane).
So over the next year we’re going to share our adventures with you! Things like overcoming a little fear of small planes (not my fear I love them – and more on this later this week)!
Or having the confidence to get up on stage for your VERY first performance in front of a live audience (which he totally rocked by the way).
Taking day trips to new places or hiking farther or higher than we have before. Maybe it’s overcoming the fear of letting your wife jump into a waterfall 😉
Either way we wanted this year to be all about taking intentional steps to do things a little outside our comfort zone. Talking to people when we might normally be introverted, or trying a new skill. We want to be examples for the boys and encourage them to go on “adventures” themselves, like conquering that fear of a new ride, making a play in sports or trying out for something new.
We’re excited to see what adventures we take and stepping outside of our comfort zone a bit this year and I want to encourage you to do the same! I’ll be sharing on social media with the hashtag #aftbyearofadventure and you’re welcome to do the same or follow along suggesting adventures for us 😉
If you or your friends happen to live in the NYC area make sure to swing by Union Square on April 14 from 8am – 2pm to interact with the LISTERINE® team. They will be setting up stages, where you will be invited to participate in fun activities (maybe your own adventures)!
What adventures would you like to watch us tackle this year?!