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I am a “do-er”. I like to actively help when it’s needed and it’s hard for me to sit on the sidelines when people need immediate help. I know you are too because I’ve seen many friends ask how they can help victims of Hurricane Harvey. I wanted to help too so I started asking friends and family in the area (or friends and family who know someone in the area) for places that they KNOW are actively working to repair lives, homes, business etc. in the areas hardest hit. Here is a list they helped me come up with.
Their needs and requests are likely going to change often so I didn’t want to list specific needs, instead here are links to pages that should update and tell you exactly what type of help they need and/or where to send monetary donations.
- http://www.ubc.org/
harveyrelief/ – The friends helping directly with this effort are the ones gracious enough to take the time out to send us some photos. They are overwhelmed with probably more questions on how to continue lives in the community than answers on exactly what they need, but they are working constantly with the community to start to move towards repair. -
disaster-relief/hurricane- harvey-dr-information/ – Another group that I got a couple of referrals for. Donations will be used to help people right now on the ground. -
https://welovehou.com – They are also actively out helping people on the ground and the funds will all be used locally.
This Amazon Wish List is from Foster Village to help meet the needs of children in state custody
These are definitely not the only places that need help but I wanted to get some options out there for those of you like me, who feel so far away to do anything. If everyone does a little much is accomplished!