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- I will gladly gather the supplies and set up the stations (along with a place to rinse off once the fun has ended)
- Each family will be asked to give $10 to cover the cost of the supplies and a small lunch for the children
- I need at least 10 people to commit before moving forward
- Creature Catch-Digging in soil to find plastic insects, bugs, lizards, snakes, etc.
- Paint a Rock-Self explanatory 🙂
- Barnyard Sensory Play-Rice filled pool with Little People Barn, plastic animals, containers to fill, handkerchiefs, and cowboy hats
- Bubble Bazaar-Pan full of bubble solution with various wands
- Marker Madness– Paper hung with available markers and stickers
We live in South Florida, so it was HOT, but you can’t keep your kids inside all summer. Crystal hosts her messy play dates in her basement, which is another great option if you don’t have carpet.
There was a lot of set up, but I will definitely do it again. It was totally worth the time, as the kids had a BLAST and it was great to chat with some of the mothers.
I am now planning a water based messy play date for July.
This is the best idea! Apparently my mom was ahead of the times when she stuck me on a pile of dirt in the front yard with the neighbor children.
This is a fantastic guest post. Thank you for all the linky love Click Pray Love. I can't wait to see your next messy play date!
Love this idea! Gonna try and do this with our friends too!
These ideas are fabulous! Thanks for posting!
Had to share as a part of my weekly round-up: http://minipiccolini.com/2012/06/its-friday-16/
These are such great ideas! Seriously makes me miss summer and playing outside. 🙂
What was the mess like with kids playing in the say bubbles first and then going in the sand and then going in the dirt? I know it is a messy play date though! I would be curious to see "after" photos of all the stations! 🙂
I just did my own water one for my son's birthday…I will be posting pics of it soon on my blog. The parents at first were fine until the water guns turned on us but I jumped right in and they seemed to relax too. Funny how we forget to have fun as also!
I love this idea! I tried to do a Messy Play Business, but it morphed into a daycare. These are great ideas!