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Today I’m over at Modern Parents Messy Kids talking about how to battle those night time monsters. One of my children was blessed with my overactive imagination and we’ve had to come up with some simple ways for him to learn how to work through some occasional bad dreams or thoughts.
Some of the things we’ve done
- an old remote control under his pillow to change his dream channel or turn off bad dreams
- we talk before he sleeps about where he wants to go or what he wants to do in his dreams that night
- and what we are sharing today – Melting Monsters!
Head on over to MPMK to get the “how to”
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Great ideas. One that always works for us is our "magic monster go away spray". We have a squirt bottle with water and an essential oil blend for relaxation that we spray around the room. Our kids smell it so they know it works. (5 & 6 yr old boys)
http://sewfearless.com/2011/08/05/pajama-eaters-the-tutorial/ this is our answer to nighttime monsters 🙂 i found this pattern and made them for all the kids in the family and the cousins…and as many people as i found needed em