
Paper Plate Polyhedron

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DIY Paper Plate Polyhedron - from All for the Boys blog

Paper plate polyhedron – say that 5 times fast 😉 Welcome to paper plate themed week! Today’s project is simple (as usual) but fun and you may want to make more than one of these polyhedrons.

Start with paper plates – just the cheap ones are fine!

DIY Paper Plate Polyhedron - from All for the Boys blog

Fold the plate’s edges into a triangle.

DIY Paper Plate Polyhedron - from All for the Boys blog

DIY Paper Plate Polyhedron - from All for the Boys blog

You can fold 20 plates ahead of time or fold as you go. Start by stapling 2 plates together (tape on the edges, glue or paper clips would work too) along the edge of the paper plate

DIY Paper Plate Polyhedron - from All for the Boys blog

Repeat using this pattern until you’ve used 10 plates.

DIY Paper Plate Polyhedron - from All for the Boys blog

DIY Paper Plate Polyhedron - from All for the Boys blog

Then join the two ends together.

DIY Paper Plate Polyhedron - from All for the Boys blog

Next, make the “ends” by stapling 5 plates together with all 5 points facing the same direction to create a dome shape.

DIY Paper Plate Polyhedron - from All for the Boys blog

You’ll make 2 of these and then add to the top and bottom of the first piece you joined together.

DIY Paper Plate Polyhedron - from All for the Boys blog

DIY Paper Plate Polyhedron - from All for the Boys blog

DIY Paper Plate Polyhedron - from All for the Boys blog

DIY Paper Plate Polyhedron - from All for the Boys blog

You can hang several up for decoration or just play with it like my boys (just be careful if you used staples and watch out for paper cuts).

DIY Paper Plate Polyhedron - from All for the Boys blog

DIY Paper Plate Polyhedron - from All for the Boys blog

We are in the second week of Summer Camp Matherial Themed Weeks! This week is paper plate week where we’ll share an activity using paper plates each day. If you have an activitiy please share it here or on our Facebook page! We’ll try and do a round up at the end of each week.

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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!


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