
Paper Plate Targets

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Paper plate targets and rubber band bracelet bow and arrow

Paper plates make the perfect sized target for our rubber band bracelet bow and straw arrow. Draw some targets or point values on paper plates

Paper plate targets and rubber band bracelet bow and arrow

Tape opened up paper clips to the bottom of the paper plate (on the back). You may be able to get away with one paper clip if they are the larger ones and/or your plates are small. We needed 2 for a standard sized plate.

Paper plate targets and rubber band bracelet bow and arrow

Stand them all up

Paper plate targets and rubber band bracelet bow and arrow

Gather your ammunition (nerf guns or marshmallow shooters would work too!)

Paper plate targets and rubber band bracelet bow and arrow

And fire away!

Paper plate targets and rubber band bracelet bow and arrow

Paper plate targets and rubber band bracelet bow and arrow

Paper plate targets and rubber band bracelet bow and arrow

Of course when Dad walked in, he had to get in on the action too.

Paper plate targets and rubber band bracelet bow and arrow

You could also hang balloons as targets or just pieces of paper.

We are in the second week of Summer Camp Matherial Themed Weeks! This week is paper plate week where we’ll share an activity using paper plates each day. If you have an activitiy please share it here or on our Facebook page! We’ll try and do a round up at the end of each week.

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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!


  1. I know that this would be for the girls too! My daughter would love this! Thanks for sharing!

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