
Taggie Cube | Abby from Things for Boys

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Today we have Abby from Things for Boys showing us how to make a super cute activity cube for the younger ones. These would be great for your kids if they are younger or for gifts!

Here’s a little bit of info about Abby

In my spare time, I love to cook and craft for my 2 boys (hubby and my 14 month old son). About 6 months ago, hubby convinced me to blog about the things I make and I haven’t looked back since. It’s a lot of fun and a lot of hard work, but keeps my brain nice and active. I’m one of those people that looks at something in a shop and thinks ‘I can make that’ and off I go. I’d love you to come and check out what I get up to at thingsforboys

Taggie Cube Soft Toy Tutorial

This quick little toy can be whipped up in under an hour with some scraps of fabric and ribbon. The only other thing you need is some hobbyfill (stuffing). I chose ribbon and fabric with different textures and patterns to make it more interesting to play with. It would also be cool to put a rattle or bell in the middle of this…next time!

(The product tester)

Taggie Toy

You’ll need:
6 squares of fabric – I made my 13x13cm (this included 2cm for seams)
12 pieces of ribbon – at least 6cm long

Cut out your squares of fabric and pieces of ribbon. I used varying lengths and styles of ribbon to mix it up a bit. 

Lay out your squares and ribbon pieces as shown below. You will use 2 of the squares as the top and bottom of the cube, sewing ribbon onto each side of these. The sides will each get 1 piece of ribbon sewn on.

Sew the ribbons to all the pieces 5mm from the edge of the fabric, with the ribbon going towards the centre of the square, on the right side of the fabric. This will reinforce the ribbons and save you pinning everything together.

Use 1cm seams for the rest of the cube.

(3 of the side seams sewn together)

Now, sew the sides of the cube together, right sides of the fabric together, taking care of the ribbon. 

Sew the bottom square onto the cube. 

(Left – All 4 sides sewn together, Right – The bottom is now sewn on)

Sew the top onto the cube leaving an opening about 3cm wide to turn the cube out. Trim the excess fabric from the corners.

(Opening for turning the cube right side out and stuffing)

Use a knitting needle or pen to poke the corners out so they sit nice. Stuff the cube with hobbyfill.

(Stuffed and ready to close up)

Handstitch the opening closed using a slipstitch.


I have since made another one of these, this time for my cousin’s son. It’s more of an activity cube, with some beads and fleece fringing on it. I also lined one of the sides with plastic so that it crinkles. I stamped his name on it too, because I can’t resist personalising things.


Thanks so much Abby!

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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!


  1. I love those. Made one for my now 3 year old. So much fun for scraps gifts and development… not to mention a happy mom!

  2. Very cute – I think I'll make one for the newest baby in the family – but I don't think it's a good idea to put beads on it – too high of a risk of choking, should they come loose from the ribbon. I think one of those "chewable" plastic rings (Fisher Price or other) would be great!

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