
Tea Rocket

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Fire and rockets – what’s not to love?!

This activitity is obviously done by/with adult supervision, wear protective eyewear, turn off the fans and make sure you have necessary safety equipment in the house (fire extinguisher etc). This is super fun and simple but not to be done without an adult.

You’ll need an new tea bag (not used), scissors, a non-flammable plate or surface and a lighter of some sort.

Cut the top off the tea bag and empty it’s contents.

Unfold and open up the bag.

Stand it up on it’s end on the plate or other non-flammable surface.

Light the top on fire.

Watch as most of the tea bag burns.

As it gets to the bottom

It takes off into the air!

It goes out shortly after taking off leaving just a bit of ash

It’s fun to watch and you’ll want to do it again!

See Steve Spangler Science for the science behind this experiment.

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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!


  1. My husband has just leapt into action to try this out! Love your blog.

  2. I can't wait to try it with my son! This looks so cool. Thanks for the idea!

    P.S. You're pictures are awesome.

  3. So we did it and at first it did not work because tea bag was too small, then took other one and it worked! boys totally loved it. It has hard to stand the tea bag a bit so keep on trying thanks for sharing

  4. All for the Boys Reply

    @fueza thank you for sharing your experience! Tea bags do vary quite a bit so I'm glad you tried again!

  5. Girls will love this too. In fact, here's a great new kids tv series called ANNEDROIDS coming soon to Amazon. It's about a girl scientist and her friends making androids and doing science experiments.

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