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First of all THANK YOU! Just you being here and reading this means that you are helping support this site. Before the busyness of the holiday season kicks in I wanted to take a moment and find out what it is that keeps you coming back.
A blog these days is much like a magazine. We have regular subscribers and people that might pick up an issue just because something caught their eye on the cover. Wherever you fit in, would you mind taking just a few moments to let me know what you like and/or want to see more of here on All for the Boys? If you can see the form below you can click here to access it.
Thank you so much! I want to be able to continue (or start to) create the content you are interested in. I have no idea if that means you want to know what we do on a daily basis or if it’s just ideas for you and your kids.

As we get closer to Thanksgiving please know that I am thankful for you. While I do many different jobs online, creating content is my favorite and I can’t do that successfully without readers so THANK YOU!