
Travel Tuesday: Rainy Day Disney Magic

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It’s no secret that we are Disney fans around here. Disneyland and hopefully Disney World soon is definitely on the top of our favorite travel destinations. Something about the magic of being there just sticks with us. One of the things my boys have always loved to play is Disneyland. They pretend that they are there in different ways. They’ve done Pirates of the Carribean in the pool, Astro blasters around the house etc.

The one that gets “played” over and over is The Jungle Cruise. It’s my oldest’s favorite attraction and always has been. I used to have to pull him around the backyard in the wagon over and over pretending we were on the ride. Did you know they are working on a Jungle Cruise movie (with Tom Hanks AND Tim Allen)? We are SO excited!

One of the ways you could bring the Disney magic home if you’re stuck inside on a rainy day is by making your own attraction playset. We made up a Jungle Cruise playset to show you how.

 The boys drew animals and cut them out. Taped an opened up paper clip to the back to set them up, made a boat out of craft sticks and duct tape and the rest was up to them.

We made a video because this must be seen to be truly appreciated ha!


What is your kids’ favorite attraction?

Dis­clo­sure: This post is part of a spon­sored cam­paign for Dis­ney on MomTV. I received a pro­mo­tional item as a thank you for participating.

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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!


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