
Animal Skeleton Flashlight Hunt

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Are your kids obsessed with these animal skeletons that seem to be everywhere this year? Mine are! They love finding new ones when we’re out shopping. I let them set up a whole bookcase of them for our Halloween decor this year! If you do have a few (or need an excuse to pick up some) this animal skeleton flashlight hunt is a fun activity for kids this month or would be a great idea for a game at a Halloween party.

Animal skeleton flashlight hunt - fun activity or game for Halloween

You can set them up inside or out and then have kids “hunt” for them with flashlights.

Animal skeleton flashlight hunt - fun activity or game for Halloween

If you’re making it a game you can see who finds the most and have them collect them as they go, do a timed race or even have them find and then re-hide them for the next player or group.

Animal skeleton flashlight hunt - fun activity or game for Halloween Animal skeleton flashlight hunt - fun activity or game for Halloween

They definitely look extra spooky outside in their “element”. Playing with flashlights is always fun too.

Animal skeleton flashlight hunt - fun activity or game for Halloween Animal skeleton flashlight hunt - fun activity or game for Halloween

In the desert the boys are usually hunting for real scorpions so these toy skeletons are actually a bit of a break for me. Have you picked any of these up yet this year?!

Animal skeleton flashlight hunt - fun activity or game for Halloween Animal skeleton flashlight hunt - fun activity or game for Halloween

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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!

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