
Digital To Real Life: DIY Minecraft Sword

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If your kids are as enthralled with the pixelated world of Minecraft as mine are then they will LOVE this DIY project and FREE printable. You also may want to check out our Printable Pixelated Pickaxe

I’m more of a Mario Kart, Dr. Mario type of gamer but there is no question about the popularity of Mincraft today. I knew this craft was a hit when the fighting started over who got the first sword. It’s easy and can be modified to whatever items you have on hand.

Print out the free printable (you’ll need to print 2 copies if you want the image on both sides.

Then cut out the sides where the two will meet together (I don’t cut out the whole thing just yet.

Glue down to your support (cardboard, posterboard, cereal box…) we used foam board. Make sure to glue it down well paying attention to the edges so that all the “tips” are secure.

Cut out with scissors, a box cutter or exacto knife depending on what will work best for your material.

After your sword is completely cut out you’ll need to attach the other side. Cut out your 2nd copy completely and adhere to the back side.

That’s it! You could color the edges in with black Sharpie and paint with a couple layers of Modge Podge to help it last a little longer.

How many of you have Minecraft fans?

Download the free Gold Sword Printable HERE (apparently you’re not supposed to say the word “gold” so it’s called “a Budder Sword”? I have no idea lol!

All Sword Options – click on each name to download the PDF file.






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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!


  1. I am unable to download these – says I can't export these – I wondered if you could email me the PDF's, my boys would love to have a go at making these this summer. Thanks

    • I looked through the comments… everyone is talking about how great this is for their SONS. Please consider making this for daughters also; I’m a girl and I LOVE Minecraft. And sword fighting. I made this and me and my brother’s were both broken in less than a minute! 🙂

  2. These are awesome!! My boys are so excited to make these! This is seriously the best idea ever! You're a genius!!

  3. Thanks for this! I am so going to make one! I'm a minecraft lover too 😉

  4. Gonna make this for my kids while they're at school so it'll be a surprise when they get home. They'll be so excited. 🙂

  5. These are awesome! I wasn't able to download the pdf, but used print preview first (to make sure my computer did not resize the images) and then was able to print them all. I'm making them for my son's 8th birthday party. He will be so excited. Thanks 🙂

  6. tHANK you for this terrific idea! My son will love this for his 11th birthday party

  7. Thank you, I will have to get on this one right away! My son is ready to do it and asked for a bow as well haha!

  8. Hi!
    Just love the printable swords 🙂
    Is it possible for you to also publish pdf files for Redstone swords and Emerald swords?? I just love the colours ….
    Thanks for a wonderful site
    Best regards

    • I’m not the owner of this website, but I know that you can photoshop in different colors to the sword. 🙂

  9. Thank you so much for sharing the printout for the minecraft swords . Making them for my grandson party !
    You are a blessing !
    Do you have the print out for the axe I think it’s called .

    • You are so welcome! We haven’t yet but are planning to get it done soon (have to get the sizing right for printing) is the party soon?

  10. Thankyou! The perfect activity for my childs minecraft themed birthday party.

  11. Thank you for sharing all of these ideas. my almost 6 year old will FREAK over these swords for his upcoming minecraft birthday. great ideas, and thank you for the great pics and instructional!

  12. Thank you so much for these printables! I cringed at the thought of paying $40 for a costume prop, and now I don’t need to!

  13. Oh my goodness this is amazing! Also, “butter” is a reference to some youtuber… I don’t remember which one, who calls gold butter. 🙂

  14. Thank you! Thank you! Using for a party for my 6 year old this weekend. Only suggestion is that I tried the mod podge and the ink ran so that might not be best idea. Thank you so much though for the idea and the template!!!! My son is thrilled to have swords at his party.

    • So glad you liked them! Sorry about the Mod Podge. I generally use a thicker paper so I wonder if that makes a difference? Sorry about that!

  15. Gina Benavides Reply

    What size foam board did you use? I am doing this project this weekend 🙂 I want them to be pretty thick, but my husband is worried about the difficulty if we go with a thicker board 🙂 Any advice is welcomed 🙂

    • I don’t think there were different thicknesses when I picked mine up, but it’s 1/4″ thick. If you have a dremel or easier way to cut it you could go thicker, otherwise you could cut 2 pieces of foam board out and glue them together. Good luck!

  16. This turned out cool looking sword, however we are planing to make more and this time we will glue one layer of foam on one side and other side where you hold the sword , because that is the narrower part, even just by holding it and pretending like you are fighting it bended.

  17. I was looking to use this craft idea with our Summer Program at our daycare – it said personal use only and I wanted to check if that was a problem?

    Thanks for the idea & printable!

  18. Hi! Just wanted to say thank you SO MUCH for posting the templates and instructions for these awesome Minecraft swords! We are getting reading to host a Minecraft themed birthday party for my 9 year old son and have been making these swords as favors. He thinks they are the coolest thing ever! Much appreciated. 🙂

  19. Sara Cavaliere Reply

    You are a godsend! Saved me from a tantrum and made a 6 year old and a 44 year old very happy

  20. You honest-to-goodness just saved my life! I’m having my son’s 11th very last-minute birthday sleepover tomorrow night, and this morning he said “so what should the theme be?” Suffice to say, my deer-in-headlights look was not the answer he was hoping for. I’ve been scouring for quick, easy, not terribly expensive ideas for tomorrow night, and I know this will be PERFECT for him and his friends to make and play with! Not to mention on the cheap lol.

    Thanks again, and have a fantastic weekend!! 🙂

  21. This is awesome. I’d like to make it for my son’s 7th birthday. What size paper should I use to print the templates?

    • Just regular 8.5″x11″ paper. I always use cardstock so that it doesn’t tear easily when I’m working with it!

  22. These are awesome!!! can these be printed n a bigger size paper so it can be life size? If it can what size paper do you recommend?

    • They are sized on an 8.5×11″ paper (there are 2 pages for 1 sword) You could make it larger and then just piece it together from there!

  23. Thank you for this. If I needed to send to a local print store, do you know what I need to tell them? I’ve never done it before…

    • These are done on regular 8.5×11 paper so it’s just a regular print. If they ask, you can just let them know that it was a free printable for personal use.

  24. These are amazing, made them with a foam camping mattress as the base instead of foam board so they are thicker. Very happy kids. Thank you so much!

  25. Thank you for the PDFs. I’ll be making these as party favors for my son’s 10th birthday.

  26. Thank you so much for sharing – using this for my son’s Halloween costume!

  27. Thankyou, these are awesome.
    Im going to use it to decorate the top of my sons birthday cake. 🙂

  28. Does anyone know where I can find Minecraft Steve’s face printable? I have looked everywhere. I have a four-year-old who wants to be Steve for Halloween. 🙂

  29. love it thanks for making pdfs i can now use these for my minecraft irl youtube video

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