
Disney’s The Jungle Book Kaa Snake Craft

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Another Disney Classic breaks out of the vault today – The Jungle Book. A favorite of mine because of the music and the animals!

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But first I just had to share with you how to make your own Kaa (the Indian Rock Python) craft. This was a favorite craft of mine as a kid since it’s so simple. You can use a paper plate or construction paper.

For this one I found the perfect template on Spoonful

You basically just cut a spiral and decorate! The best part is how it coils and un coils.

We thought he looked pretty similar to Tom here – what do you think?

Back to The Jungle Book – Disney’s The Jun­gle Book: Dia­mond Edi­tion DVD is out today!


Some of my Disney loving/crafty friends and I got together to bring you some fun projects!

You can find fun Disney-inspired DIY projects along with other cre­ative ideas on their sites! Be sure to check them out:

Dis­clo­sure: Dis­ney pro­vided me with a copy of The Jun­gle Book: Dia­mond Edi­tion DVD for the pur­poses of this cov­er­age. They are pro­vid­ing the give­away prize pack­age. All opin­ions, expe­ri­ences, and love of The Jun­gle Book are entirely my own.

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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!


  1. Kaa was always one of my favorites. I liked him so much I had a snake named after him in college. =)

  2. My kids don't watch a ton of movies, but they've been seeing the ads for this one during the Olympics and are so excited.
    Thanks for the quick snake craft idea, too. Easy to do an "high reward" results!

  3. Baloo & Mowgli.. King Louis stressed me out when I was a kid but I love his song…I love all the songs. Also, I like that village girl at the end. Who doesn't like a female presence?

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