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I am an Evite® influencer and this is a post sponsored by Evite®. All opinions and experiences are my own.
It’s 2018 and while I don’t necessarily make new year’s resolutions I do take the time to figure out what I want to work on, improve, or what habits I started that I want to continue in the new year. One of those things for this year is making sure the time we spend together as a family is QUALITY time. Just because we’re all together in a room, doesn’t mean that we are all present and while we have been working on it, I think making a set time to have a device-free dinner is just the reminder we need!
Have you ever caught YOURSELF paying more attention to your phone than your kids at the dinner table? I definitely have. It’s hard when you work from home (both my husband and I do) since you don’t really have “office hours” and when you’ve been waiting for an email response and you see the screen light up, it’s so easy just to “check real quick”. It also doesn’t help that any one of my two tables serve as my office or workspace throughout the week! The sad part is, my boys rarely notice anymore. The other day I was answering an email real quick and looked up to see that they both turned on their phones when I did.
No more in this house! We are taking the #DeviceFreeDinner pledge this year to have AT LEAST one dinner a week that is completely device free. This gives some grace for crazy dinners where everyone is eating at different times or dinners where no one is home. We should have, at the very least, one dinner a week where we can really commit to being fully device free. For us, I’m not talking about just eating, I’m talking about quality time around the table continuing after dinner. We’re going to start back up our game nights!
#DeviceFreeDinner Sweepstakes
Evite® in partnership with Common Sense Media (a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping kids thrive in a world of media and technology and my favorite site to look up parent reviews of movies/games) wants to encourage loved ones to make the most of family time and in-person conversations through device-free dinners. Evite® is always about bringing people together face-to-face. As you know, some of the most memorable moments are shared at the dinner table, they want to strengthen those moments by encouraging everyone to the start the year off right by pledging to go device-free for at least once a week during dinner time. By agreeing to take the pledge, one lucky winner will receive an OpenTable gift card for a device-free dinner with their family and friends!
You can even get your friends and family on board to Be There with Evite™ and create invitations online like this one:
Device-Free Dinner Ideas
Need some inspiration for dinner? Maybe things to talk about or do during and after the meal? Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Worst part/best part – everyone has a chance to talk about the best part and worst part of their day (we did this a lot when the boys were younger and need to start it back up again)
- Tv – talk about movies or tv shows you’ve seen and would think that others would like. Sometimes the boys keep us up to date on what’s new or popular with kids in school
- Play “would you rather” – come up with silly “would you rather” situations and discuss them around the table
- Talk about travel plans or dreams. Where do you want to go and why? How can you make that happen?
- Tell stories about when you were a kid. My boys still love listening to stories about how childhood was different when we were kids. This is even better if grandparents are around!
- Game night – we will be extending our device-free dinners to a full game night. We got some new games for Christmas but go through your stash and make a list of the games everyone likes to play. Maybe you could even buy a new game every once in a while to spice things up!
- Puzzles – if your family likes puzzles and you have a place to keep it out (or put it away) set up a puzzle to do together once a week.
Who’s with us this year?! Head over to Evite® and pledge yourself while entering to win! Maybe we can even make it a point to check in with each other or come up with fun new games and ideas of things to discuss and then chat about the funny things our kids said?!
1 Comment
Such food for thought, I need to do this more – social media (along with my phone ipad & laptop) are totally time consuming. Great advice thank you!