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I LOVE balloons and I love my kid’s faces. Put both of them together and you have the most adorable Mother’s Day gift idea ever (or birthday, graduation…)!
Have you seen the giant balloons? They hold a good amount of helium which means you can fill them with confetti, paper and even a gift card and it will still float!
For this Mother’s Day bouquet of sorts, fill a large clear balloon with some confetti.
Print out this sheet, trim out the strips and have the kids fill them in for an extra special surprise for Mom when she eventually pops the balloon.
Then, roll up the pieces and put them in with the confetti.
Fill up the balloon with a Balloon Time helium tank. It’s fun to watch the confetti swirl as the balloon fills up!
Tie a ribbon around the balloon and then tie it to something to secure it.
Here’s the fun part – print out photos of kids’ heads. You can cut them out on the computer or just trim their face out of an enlarged photo.
Add a hole to the top and tie onto the ribbon.
Once all the faces are on you can add some fringe or flowers for fun.
How CUTE is that?!
I mean, anything with my kids’ cut out faces makes me smile. This idea is so simple, but makes such a fun impact! The best part is, you can make this last minute if you have to!