
Fostering Creativity Through Play with Target Toy Emporium

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This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #TargetToys #CollectiveBiasFostering creativity through play

We love toys as much as the next kid, but with the amount of toys available now, how do you foster creativity through play? Sometimes the sheer amount of choices makes it difficult to decide on what toys to get to encourage movement or creativity in our kids. I recently checked out the Target Toy Emporium online and really love how they have some great brands grouped in ways that make it easy to find some of the best toys and gift ideas.

Target Toy Emporium

I spotted these ALEX stilts in the “Move” section and knew we HAD to have them.

We couldn’t wait to open them up when they got here. As soon as he started on them it reminded me of the toys my brother loved when he was his age. Unique toys that got you moving and thinking.

Fostering creativity through playThese are awesome because they have “training feet” and hand holds to make learning a bit easier. He was laughing and smiling as soon as he started.

Fostering creativity through playI am always looking for ways to get the boys to use their imaginations and creativity and fun, simple toys like this are awesome for that. Not only that, this gets them moving!

Fostering creativity through playOnce he had the hang of it he was already plotting and planning his own circus. We went from learning the stilts to plotting and planning an entire circus (with the dogs of course). The park is great because of the lack of the toys/mess/noises of the house and everyday life.

So what are some easy ways to encourage this type of creativity with your kids? Here are a few tips/things to consider:

  1. Provide creatively stimulating toys. Unique things like these stilts or simple things like puppets, bicycles, blocks, art supplies etc.
  2. Simplify. Sometimes having fewer toys in front of them provides more of a clean slate for creativity much like a blank sheet of paper.
  3. Reduce distractions. Have specific time each day that is for no electronics. No tv on in the background, phones, video games etc. Having a specific time makes everyone aware of the “rules” and makes for an easier transition.
  4. Let the kids lead. If they ask for help try giving open ended questions like “Who/What do you want me to be?” or “What else do you think we could do instead of that?”
  5. Allow mistakes. Even if you know something won’t work quite right, let them figure it out and problem solve it on their own.
  6. Encourage. If the kids overhear you telling your spouse/parents/friend about their amazing puppet show they put on the other day they’ll definitely consider doing it again and maybe even bigger and better the next time!

You can check out this Pinterest board for more play inspiration:

How do you foster creativity in your kids?

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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!

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