
Great Advice: How to Stop Losing Your Sh*t with Your Kids – Book Review

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We ALL lose it as parents. All of us. I have a feeling it happens in some stages of parenting more than others. Carla Naumburg, Phd. has some practical advice for all of us and put together a full guide on how to become a calmer, happier parent – How to Stop Losing Your Sh*t with Your Kids, a practical guide to becoming a calmer, happier parent and it hits shelves today. I got my hands on a copy a little early and here’s what I think.



How to Stop Losing Your Sh*t with Your Kids – Book Review

I love that this is more of a guide packed with tons of great takeaways. It really read to me like an incredible (and would be ridiculously long) blog post from your favorite blogger FILLED with tips and takeaways that you’ll want to pin and share on Facebook for later, but you won’t have to because it’s all in the book and you can read it whenever you want.

Definitely start from the beginning even though it may be tempting to skip to Chapter 8 titled What You’ve Been Waiting For: How, Exactly, to Not Lose Your Shit, don’t! You’ll want to read over the first 7 chapters to get insight and relatable information on the “why” and it will definitely help pull everything together once you get to the end!

I’ve always tried to be the type of parent who is ok apologizing to my boys when I lost it, but this book takes it beyond that and really puts all those little thoughts and assumptions I had in my mind right there on paper. What it did was make it that much EASIER to come to a realization of why I might have lost it/be losing it. There’s even a full list of potential triggers in the back, hanger being the first one which is definitely a common one for me lol!

One of my biggest personal issues is multi-tasking. I love how Carla addresses this in the book and explains why it’s “a surefire way to trick yourself into believing you can’t handle what’s going on”. She also talks about how you should pay attention to your kids, or don’t – the 1/2 attention isn’t helpful for you (or your kids) and that is something I definitely need to be reminded of.

Overall the book is simple, practical, easy to read, funny, and filled with actionable advice no matter what type of parenting philosophies you follow. Because of this, it would also make a great gift for parents.


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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!

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