
“I’m Booooored!”

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Last Friday the boys had a day off school but I did not have a day off of work (I work at home). Since they are back in school I’m completely out of our Summer routine. It wasn’t far into the day that I started hearing the dreaded “I’m booored”.  It was a gorgeous day so I suggested they play out back. It was obvious that they were wanting a little more direction than that. Then I remembered that the recycle didn’t get picked up this week so I sent them out to the recycle bin and told them to get out all the boxes they wanted and to make something.

I didn’t help or give any direction or supplies. I was going to let them use whatever they wanted (as long as they weren’t going to kill themselves (I did see the 7yo try to get the box cutter).

They drew on boxes for a while.

Stacked them up and knocked them over for a while.

And later I came out and saw Mr. Robot standing there all by himself. Of course once the boys knew I was out there they had to tell me all about his storage arm and movement sensor (which isn’t shown since the dogs thought that it would be fun to play with)

They played quietly and without electronics for quite a while (an hour and a half or so). The whining commenced when it was time to clean up but it was fun while it lasted!

It reminded me of this gift I’m considering putting under the tree – Makedo kits


They are kits that help you keep things (like boxes) together while you’re making your creations. Their blog has lots of inspiration. Have you ever played with Makedo? Did you like them?


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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!


  1. Playtime without electronics is the best – I'm always amazed at the kids who visit out house who don't want to do anything but play video games – My rule is one hour free play, then you can do 30 minutes electronics when friends are over

  2. Dana Tuttle Reply

    We just did the same exact thing this weekend! we made Pop Pop the Snow Bot out of trash. We put a red scarf around his neck and a mustache on his face. We are going to give it to our Pop Pop for his birthday!

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