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A lot of times when I tell the boys I want to show them something cool it usually sarts with “Do I have to?” or “I guess” but if it ends with a smile or a “that’s cool!” I call it a success. Never judge by the first reaction!
Here are a couple of fun, quick optical illusion tricks that requires very little. These are good for a restaurant or a time when the kids need to sit still.
For the first one hold your index fingers up in front of your face with a little bit of space between them (not touching your face)
Look at your fingers and then adjust your focus to something across the room. What do your fingers look like now? You should see a third floating finger!
He sees it 🙂
For the next one you’ll need a tube of some sort. We used a paper towel roll but you could just roll up a piece of paper too.
Hold the roll up to one eye like a telescope and look at something through it. Slowly bring your other hand next to the roll like the picture. (This hand is not covering your eye there is some space in between) What do you see? It looks like there is a hole in your hand and that you are looking right through it!
(He had to come try it out too) Keep these in your “back pocket” for the perfect time.
1 Comment
You come up with the greatest ideas! What a great job you have! What a great mom you are!