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I love a good room makeover (especially right now since we are in the middle of moving) so I thought I’d share this amazing room from Jennifer Johner at Dearest Someday
I really love all the details
Especially that group of wood and sticks collected on a family vacation – what a GREAT idea!
Be sure to stop by her blog post to see a lot more photos and details. Thanks so much for the inspiration Jennifer!
I’m putting together a 4th of July/Independence day craft roundup to share later today or tomorrow so if you’ve seen a craft/activity that we’d love link me up here or by email! info@allfortheboys.com
So many creative details in this room! From the pallet bed, to the string of drift wood hanging from the curtain rod, I see the evidence of a very innovative mom!
I did see this cool, free flag printable that is great for toddlers. Bennett loves dot paint which is what this activity is for.
love the bundle of driftwood. gets me thinking!