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I can’t thank you all enough for all the sweet emails and comments you’ve been leaving/sending. I’m so excited to see how our community is growing and it really inspires me to dream up new activities and projects to share.
I wanted to open up the opportunity for some guest bloggers coming up! If you have an activity, idea, or post you’d love to share (whether you’ve shared it before on your blog or not) please email me at info[at]allfortheboys[dot]com
Do you have Holiday traditions that you do each year? We love to bake as cliche as it is. This last weekend we made gingerbread men together. I was actually surprised at how long they stayed engaged. We mixed the dough the night before and rolled and decorated the next morning. Maybe morning is a good time to do these types of activities!
See the guy on the left up there? I found out later that he was made to be anatomically correct (boys!) but then they decided he was a baby and that is his diaper.
I hope you are having a great December so far whether it’s cold or hot where you are!
Love the idea of frosting in a baggie! What kind of frosting do you use??
By the way, I love your site! I stumbled across it via Pinterest. I was so excited to see a blog dedicated to boys. I have 3 of my own, 13, 8 and 7. We will definitely make use of your ideas. Love the Fort Fridays! So do my boyos.
Hi Jenny! We used Alton Brown's Royal Icing recipe from the Food Network – very easy and using the baggies means easy cleanup! We had a couple of messes out the top of the baggy from squeezing too hard but I just threw it away and got some more frosting (a little goes a long way) so I'd recommend not putting a ton in the bags at a time and only mixing small batches of color.
Here's the recipe http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/royal-icing-recipe/index.html
What fun! We will have to make some of these – used the from a box gingerbread house and it was decorated and eaten completely in 2 days
My husband takes each boy out a day or two before Christmas to pick out a present for their brother. On Christmas Eve they open their gifts to each other- I love seeing them really think about what the other would like (instead of what THEY would like 😉
LOL! Jennifer and after all that work – gone in 2 days (P.S. all the men have been devoured here)
Tracey – I love that! My boys pick out a gift for each other too – I like that you have yours open them on Christmas Eve, it makes it extra special!
I have been wanting to make some cookies and have yet to do so. This may be just the motivation I need.
No, thank you for such a wonderful site! I stumbled upon here via Pinterest and it has given me a lot of inspiration. I had always thought having a boy meant playing with cars all day (which does not excite me in the least!) but now I am so looking forward to new activities, you've really opened my mind up! Thanks!!!
Thanks for sharing this link with me! It looks like you had a lot of fun making those cookies! So glad you enjoyed it! They turned out great. 🙂
I love your blog. I notice the "boy" gingerbread guy turned diaper wearing guy right away, that would be exactly what my three boys would come up with! It would be fun to be a guest poster, except I don't have any ideas. Your site has wonderful ideas that I have shared with my friends. Thank you!
Any ideas on a favorite gingerbread recipe?
Yes! This one is our favorite! http://keepitsimplekeepitfresh.blogspot.com/2011/11/gluten-free-gingerbread.html
Your photos are amazing, as always! Can I ask what lens you used?
I'm planning a post on our family traditions this week!!