
Water Fun – Squirt Gun Targets

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Using things you may already have laying around the house, you can put together this super fun outdoor water game perfect for summer! For this game the goal is to fill your cup with the most water in a certain amount of time, or see who can fill their cup first!
Water gun targets - a fun summer game or activity to do with water squirters!


We made these using plastic cups, plastic plates (these are the Chinet Cut Crystal dessert plates) cups and this free printable.

Water gun targets - a fun summer game or activity to do with water squirters!I applied plenty of hot glue to the top of a cup and held the plate to the cup until it dried.

Water gun targets - a fun summer game or activity to do with water squirters!A bit of double sided tape, glue dot or dry adhesive (like the tape guns) on the plate will hold the printable on the back! You could also use permanent marker on any plastic plate, or no decoration at all.

Water gun targets - a fun summer game or activity to do with water squirters!We found rocks of the same size to place into the cup to keep it steady. If I was doing this for a party I’d maybe attach them to a long board with a nail and then seal it with some more hot glue. This would make it easier to make sure the cups won’t fall over spilling the water out.

Water gun targets - a fun summer game or activity to do with water squirters!Make sure everyone has plenty of water to re-load (we used the pool) and fire away!

Water gun targets - a fun summer game or activity to do with water squirters! Water gun targets - a fun summer game or activity to do with water squirters! Water gun targets - a fun summer game or activity to do with water squirters! Water gun targets - a fun summer game or activity to do with water squirters! Water gun targets - a fun summer game or activity to do with water squirters! Water gun targets - a fun summer game or activity to do with water squirters!

It’s fun to play by yourself too (at least according to my 11 year old who was out there shooting water into the cup for the last 20 minutes).

Water gun targets - a fun summer game or activity to do with water squirters!

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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!


  1. I love this idea but is the point to see how full the players can get the cup?

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