
DIY Nature Book

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We created this DIY nature book and had fun in the sun with Banana Boat as part of a sponsored post for Socialstars #BestSummerEver

Summer! My favorite time of year! It’s also that time of the year where the excitement only lasts for so long. Living in Phoenix we love being out in the sun (yes even in the summer) and one of our favorite things to do is to hike or go on nature walks!
DIY nature book - with printables!A nature walk can be as simple as just walking around and looking at or picking up whatever the kids find interesting! You can make up stories, talk about what they found or just let them lead the way!

DIY nature book - with printables!

DIY nature book - with printables!

DIY nature book - with printables!Don’t forget the sunscreen, especially out in the full sun! We packed some of the new Banana Boat® SunComfort™ Clear UltraMist® Sunscreen because it’s moisturizing (hello dry desert) and the sand (or in our case dirt) actually brushes right off and doesn’t get stuck to your leg if you sit down. My boys hate that! It’s also waterproof which is needed when you’re using water to cool yourself off!

DIY nature book - with printables!To make our nature book, I let the boys take photos of their favorite plants and animals along the way.

DIY nature book - with printables!

DIY nature book - with printables!

DIY nature book - with printables!After a long hike, lots of water breaks and enough fun in the sun, we headed home.

DIY nature book - with printables!I printed off a few of the photos they took along with our nature book printables:

DIY nature book - with printables!Add in a binder and some page protectors and you have your own nature book! Look up the plants and animals you took photos of and fill out the pages accordingly.

DIY nature book - with printables!

DIY nature book - with printables!This is SUCH a fun way to add a bit of education into your outdoor play. You can add onto your book each time you go out and discover something new!

DIY nature book - with printables!Don’t forget your sunscreen the next time you head out to have fun in the sun! What will your next outdoor adventure be?!

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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!

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