
Busy Bag – for Tweens?

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I came up with this Busy Bag for Tweens using great products from Office Depot as part of a sponsored post for Socialstars. #GearLove

I’m sure you’ve seen busy bags for toddlers all over the place. Everyone is looking for ideas to help keep their kids’ minds busy right? What about the tweens? I often see this age group glued to their phones, but what if you don’t want them to be on their devices ALL day? What if they go to Aunt Mary Lou’s house with nothing fun to do? It’s actually not as difficult as it sounds to pull together a day full of imagination and fun for the let’s say 8-13 year old age group and you don’t need to look any further than Office Depot for inspiration!

Tween busy bag - interesting ideas and things to pack to keep tweens busy!This may seem like a random mix of items, but given just a bit of ideas this is always a really fun mix. The problem with tweens is they don’t necessarily want to bring along their entire rooms or even any toys at all. With the help of my tweens we pulled together some of our “go to” items to create a really fun day.

Tween busy bag - interesting ideas and things to pack to keep tweens busy!Obviously tech gear is always good. Headphones and a USB flash drive are always part of the items my kids grab. I LOVE this lanyard that holds their USB (filled with movies, photos and video clips they use to create their own movies or computer game info).

Binder clips are definitely one of my favorite office supplies. Kids can use them to hold up photos for stop motion videos, game pieces or play set ups.

Tween busy bag - interesting ideas and things to pack to keep tweens busy! I love the binder clip ideasYou can mix them with rubber bands to make a small catapult perfect for food or making your own launching games.

Tween busy bag - interesting ideas and things to pack to keep tweens busy!

Tween busy bag - interesting ideas and things to pack to keep tweens busy!The big binder clips a great for forts or holding pieces of cardboard together when creating structures!

Tween busy bag - interesting ideas and things to pack to keep tweens busy!Flashlights are always a great addition too, even during the day they’re fun to use in forts and come night time, flashlight tag is one of our favorites.

Tween busy bag - interesting ideas and things to pack to keep tweens busy! Tween busy bag - interesting ideas and things to pack to keep tweens busy! Tween busy bag - interesting ideas and things to pack to keep tweens busy!

Duct tape is always a good idea. Use it to make all sorts of things using items from the recycle bin!

Tween busy bag - interesting ideas and things to pack to keep tweens busy!These scratch pads can be fun to take along because it’s like coloring but with a twist.

Tween busy bag - interesting ideas and things to pack to keep tweens busy!Having items with such open ended ideas keeps the creativity flowing and makes for longer lasting play! I LOVE office supplies and always finding new ways to use them. I get the best inspiration walking around Office Depot and my boys have come to love going as well! Here’s a fun video from Office Depot for my fellow office supply lovers:

Tween busy bag - interesting ideas and things to pack to keep tweens busy! I love the binder clip ideasWhat is your favorite office supply? Do you use them in unconventional ways like us? Share them with me on social media using #GearLove I’d love to add more ideas to our tween busy bag!


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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!

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