
Dinosaur Fossil Hunt Printable Game

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Dinosaur fossil hunt printable game - comes with 5 dinosaurs!


Have a dinosaur lover? Or maybe just bored kids? ThisĀ fun, easy (free) printable dinosaur fossil hunt game might be just the activity you need.

Download the free printable HERE – there are 5 dinosaurs to choose from. Print out 2 copies of each dinosaur – one for cutting and one as the base of the “puzzle”

Cut out one of the dinosaurs

Cut out the fossils. You can make large pieces for younger kids or smaller more intricate pieces for older kids.

Hide the pieces throughout your house or yard (fun for a rainy or snow day inside). As kids collect the pieces they can find which dinosaur and where the fossils belong!



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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!


  1. Trying again! My son wants to be a “dinosaurologist,” so I will have to print this out.

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