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We love Disney and the movie Planes and are excited to work with the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community and their client on this compensated shop. All ideas and opinions are 100% our own!
You know we love paper airplanes, Disney and movie nights so we combined all of those for a fun family movie night with the cousins! I love the message of courage that Planes the Movie shows and was excited to share it again with my niece and nephew (who LOVES “hairplanes”). Disney Planes is available in stores 11/19/2013!
I knew the kids would want to play first so I set up a fun flight school with paper airplanes. We used our awesome flier, strawplane, a regular mini paper airplane and our new straight shooter (instructions below). I got some supplies and snacks at Walmart and we were ready for a party!
For the flight school I stretched out some wire hangers, wrapped them in washi tape and hung them together on a hook from the ceiling.
Oh come on, you know you chuckled at my lame joke 😉
The kids had SO much fun flying their planes through the different hangers.
To watch the movie we made our own hanger to “hang” out in. (Sorry I can’t stop)
They had a GREAT time together and as you can tell – were totally enthralled with the movie! There are some other awesome Disney Planes ideas on their Pinterest board if you want more inspiration.
If you want to make your own straight shooter paper airplane here’s the how to:
Take a regular 8.5″x11″ A4 sheet of paper and fold in half lengthwise
Open the paper up, then take the top corners and fold in to the center fold.
Now open one side up
And fold all the way over on the fold closest to the center
Fold back on the next closest fold
Repeat for the other side.
Flip the plane over and fold the tip halfway down.
Fold the plane in half lengthwise
Fold the top edge of one side down to the center fold
Repeat for the other side
“Fluff” up the nose
And you’re done! You can add a small staple to the nose if you’re having trouble with it popping open.