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Happy New Year everyone! We had a GREAT week off (the boys are still out of school) and we are excited to be back bringing you lots of fun activities and crafts this year! I want to work on sprucing up the blog a bit for the new year so I had some wonderful ladies offer to do some guest posts while I work it all out!
First up is Christie
Hi! I’m Christie and I blog over at Storehouse Crafts. Thanks, Allison, for the opportunity to share on your blog today!
I’m a fellow BoyMom with three boys under 6 years old!! We have a loud and rowdy house and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Boys are the best! My boys love to “pretend play”. They NEVER simply sit and watch a Star Wars movie…no…they have to put on costumes and act it out as they watch. Anything can become an impromptu weapon and a blanket can substitute for a Jedi cape in a pinch. HA! It’s amazing!!
So, this past summer, I decided it was time to make all my little guys a cape…I searched high and low for a good tutorial and found a few, but ended up sort of doing my own thing and learning as I went. I’m NOT an expert sewer! I got my first sewing machine ever this year, so if I can do this…you can too!! Promise!
So here goes…
Things you’ll need:
-two yards of fabric (I chose a super hero fleece for one side and a solid red for the other)
-felt or other fabric for embellishment on the back
-thread for hand sewing and machine
-sewing machine
-sticky velcro tabs (in the notions section of the fabric store)
Let’s get started!
I already had a cape that I made my oldest boy so I used this as my shape template. So, the first step would be using scrap fabric or even poster board to create the template for the shape. The shape is totally up to you! I made it flare out at the bottom and wanted it pretty big because my boys tend to grab it it pull it around themselves. Also, I made the neck tabs pretty long and skinny thinking I wanted to avoid a choking hazard (obviously!). It’s about 35 inches wide at the bottom, 33 inches long from top to bottom, and 7 inches wide at the neck. I made on for my almost two year old and his was obviously sized down quite a bit. This is the perfect size for about 4-8 years old probably.
You template can be the full size of the cape or it can simply be one half of it since you will be folding your fabric in half.
So, this would be your template…
Next, take your first fabric and fold it in half. Take your other fabric and fold it in half as well.
Place your folded fabrics on top of each other with the folds lined up…then put the template on top with the fold along the same side as well.
Trace around the template or simply cut around it carefully. It will not be perfect…that’s the joy of handmade, right?!
You will end up with two cape shapes from each of your fabrics that look like this when unfolded…
This is when you would want to add your design to the back of the cape…before you sew the two sides together. I used a mix of felt and fabric and I simply sew it on…I don’t worry with the whole iron on adhesive stuff for these, but you are welcome to do that if you want to!!! I’m all about what’s easy especially for something worn as a costume. I chose to add a fabric circle in yellow and a felt “B” on top since I’m making this one for one of my boy’s friends!! But, as you can see from the pictures at the top…I made my boys ones with the Batman sign on them and my youngest got a little lightning bolt. The possibilities are endless!! Have fun with it!!
Cut it out and sew it on!!
On to the “real” sewing part! Put the two side together with the right sides facing each other. This means, the side with the super man print and the side with the design on it should be sandwiched in the middle with the not so pretty sides facing out. Make sense?
Pin them together and sew around the shape…LEAVING A HOLE!! Leave a space big enough to put your hand through to turn the cape right side out after sewing.
Now that it’s all sewed together….reach into the hole you left and pull it right side out! You might need to use a chopstick or wooden spoon to help get the strap parts poked through.
Last two steps and you’re all done!!
1. Stick the velcro on the neck straps and then stitch them on for added security.
2. Sew up the hole and you’re done!! I am not a great hand sewer, but I try to do a hidden stitch that just keeps the hole closed.
So, that’s the tutorial!! It’s a really simple project that takes about 30 minutes tops!!
Hope you give it a try and that your own little super heroes love it!!
Dressing up is the best – My three (2 boys – 9 and 6, daughter – 2) found superhero gloves in their stockings this year – I bought them from an etsy store but they would be super simple to add to your adorable capes – gloves with felt cuffs and a design onthe cuff – thanks for sharing
I just found your site from Pinterest and love it! I am a mom of 3 boys! Just printed off the Interview!! Love it!!! Thank you!
Love this! I made my own last night! http://child-bearing-hips.blogspot.com/2012/01/my-super-kids.html
I just wanted to let you know that none of these images are working! ;(
All fixed Laura! Sorry about that.