
Easy Origami Bear + Disneynature’s BEARS printables

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Easy Origami Bear + Disneynature's BEARS printables from All for the Boys blog

Happy Earth Day! We had the chance to preview Disneynature’s BEARS while at the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration last weekend so I thought we’d come up with a bear themed project for Earth Day today!

We recyceld a brown paper bag to make our bear. Just start with a square piece and fold in half diagonally

Easy Origami Bear + Disneynature's BEARS printables from All for the Boys blog

Fold in half diagonally again the other direction and open it back up

Easy Origami Bear + Disneynature's BEARS printables from All for the Boys blog

Take the top corner and fold it in about half way

Easy Origami Bear + Disneynature's BEARS printables from All for the Boys blog

Do the same to the other side.

Easy Origami Bear + Disneynature's BEARS printables from All for the Boys blog

Now fold the same corners back out the other direction

Easy Origami Bear + Disneynature's BEARS printables from All for the Boys blog

Easy Origami Bear + Disneynature's BEARS printables from All for the Boys blog

Fold the same corners down once more

Easy Origami Bear + Disneynature's BEARS printables from All for the Boys blog

Fold only one layer of the bottom corner up

Easy Origami Bear + Disneynature's BEARS printables from All for the Boys blog

Turn the whole thing over

Easy Origami Bear + Disneynature's BEARS printables from All for the Boys blog

Fold the other layer of the bottom corner up

Easy Origami Bear + Disneynature's BEARS printables from All for the Boys blog

Fold the top layer up once more to create an area for the mouth

Easy Origami Bear + Disneynature's BEARS printables from All for the Boys blog

Add some eyes, nose and a mouth

Easy Origami Bear + Disneynature's BEARS printables from All for the Boys blog

That’s it! If you want even more BEARS fun you CLICK HERE to download this huge 23 page printable activity pack from Disneynature’s BEARS

Easy Origami Bear + Disneynature's BEARS printables from All for the Boys blog

It’s such a cute movie and definitely family friendly! You can learn more on their website, Facebook or Twitter

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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!


  1. What a cute project for celebrating the Earth Day! Maybe we could even try folding this bear using napkin paper and use it for kids party

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