
Football Brain Teaser Printable

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I was looking up matchstick puzzles for the boys the other day and came across this fun one that looks like a goal post so I thought it would make a perfect Super Bowl printable game (for kids and adults)!

Printable football brain teaser - perfect for a Super Bowl or football party!There are 2 puzzles, or brain teasers, written on the page. Print out a set, cut out a football for each page and lay out with some toothpicks like this:

Printable football brain teaser - perfect for a Super Bowl or football party!The first one is: Touching only 2 toothpicks can you re-arrange the goal post so the football is on the outside? Here’s how to do it.

Printable football brain teaser - perfect for a Super Bowl or football party!

Printable football brain teaser - perfect for a Super Bowl or football party!

Move the top toothpick down and to the right and slide the center toothpick over!

The second puzzle is: Can you make a football player with the football as a head by moving only 2 toothpicks? This one is a bit easier and is done like this

Printable football brain teaser - perfect for a Super Bowl or football party!

Printable football brain teaser - perfect for a Super Bowl or football party!A fun brain teaser to do as guests walk in to your Super Bowl or football party so the new guests don’t know how to solve it! You obviously don’t need the printable either, these are great to do at the dinner table using whatever you have on hand!

Show the kids beforehand and then have them be in charge of stumping the adults during a party or dinner.

Download free printable HERE.

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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!


  1. I just printed this so that we can do it tomorrow night. I’m in charge of activities for 2 families consisting of 4 adults and 5 kids. It should be fun!

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