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It’s Fort Friday – the very last Fort Friday of 2013, can you believe it?!
My crafty friend Joscie from OhScrap posted this photo on Facebook and I told her she had to let me use it for Fort Friday 😉
The Crooked Houses are so fun – I love how this one has a car with it.
A colorful cardboard fort from Built By Kids
A classic sheet fort from We Love You So
And a bed/pvc fort from Another Big Bite
If you’re new here:
At All for the Boys we celebrate Fridays with some awesome fort inspiration from around the web.
You can share your forts by emailing me, Facebook, or Instagram and tag @allfortheboys and #fortfriday (by contacting me you are giving me permition to share your photo on the blog. Let me know if you want it linked up anywhere) – some are tagging me properly and I’m not able to pull it up again later, So if you don’t see yours here, email it to me!