fort friday

Fort Friday!

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Happy Fort Friday everyone! If you’re new to All for the Boys we celebrate Fridays with some awesome fort inspiration from around the web. Whether made of sheets, cardboard, wood, or sticks, forts are a place we can go to transport our minds to wherever we want to go. You can play, dream, relax, or create in a fort. Everything is better in a fort!

This week I’ve featured indoor forts. We have some fun plans for forts coming up, but I’d love to see if you’ve been busy fort building as well! Send your photos to info[at]allfortheboys[dot]com and I’ll feature them here on Fort Friday (along with a link to your blog if you have one).

from Ohdeedoh

found on Fits and Starts and Crafts

from Where the Sidewalk Begins

from Brendanmkinne on Flickr

from Lizinator! on Flickr

from gardenymph on Flickr

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Our weather is just now starting to cool off so we’ll be enjoying some time outdoors!

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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!

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