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Happy Fort Friday! Last one in November! SO crazy how fast these days go by at the end of the year. By next Friday you may see our Elf on the Shelf Melvin enjoying a fort 😉
I LOVE getting your fort photos so please send them our way if you want to be featured. You can also tag me @4theboys on Twitter, @allisonwaken on Instagram or just include the hashtag #fortfriday on your photos and I can share them that way!
These boys in IL set up a perfect outdoor space (can we come play with your sticks and leaves?)
My friend Lexi‘s boys can build a mean outdoor fort as well 😉
Hearthsong has a cool GardenFort framework, netting, and seeds!
McCurdy’s Armor – sets up in under 10 minutes (by three people) like LEGOS and is a full blown real life guard post.
While we are still in the 80’s here I know some of you have already gotten some snow – how about this 3 level snow fort from When in doubt, duct tape! on Instructables
Happy fort building!
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