fort friday

Fort Friday!

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Happy Fort Friday! Here at All for the Boys we celebrate Fridays with some awesome fort inspiration from around the web. Whether made of sheets, cardboard, wood, or sticks, forts are a place we can go to transport our minds to wherever we want to go. You can play, dream, relax, or create in a fort. Everything is better in a fort!

If you want to share your fort (or an awesome one you found) just send it to me or use the hash tag #fortfriday and tag me @allisonwaken on Instagram!

I can’t get the code but there is a quick video of a very cool roll up door on a cardboard fort at News from the Crib

Love how proud these kiddos are of their fort – from HappyFolk on Instagram

The kiddos from Tales of the Scotts were busy building forts too!

A great stick fort from Down at the Farm

Love these tents that zip together! seen at LoveIt from

It’s a table that turns into a house! from

And yes I think I’ll have one of these please – from Nice Decors

My pup is jealous of this dog fort/mansion from Best Friend’s Home

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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!


  1. I love the forts!! Have made many myself and for my now almost grown kiddos. Just wanted to pop in and say super Congrats about the SC DT!! So excited to have you give us lovely inspiration every month, Merry Christmas! 🙂

  2. Thanks for including our fort! I definitely got the idea from reading your blog!

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