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Packing lunches is 100% NOT my favorite thing to do. I hate that I dread doing it so I’m trying to actively change that. I’ve followed Laura from MOMables on Twitter and Instagram for a while and am totally intruiged by her awesome ritual of preparing all kinds of different, delicious looking lunches in one night for her kids (and herself).
What is MOMables?
It’s is a school lunch meal planning service that helps parents feed their kids a variety of lunches they will love. Their one simple plan approach has built in substitutions for vegetarian, gluten free and nut free options when needed (it is not a dairy free or vegan plan).
MOMables was started by Laura Fuentes, a mom of 3 kids under seven years old, to help other parents get out of the lunch packing rut. MOMables offers a weekly school lunch meal plan with 5 lunch ideas, a prep-ahead sheet and a shopping list to help us busy parents feed our kids good food they will actually eat for only $6 per month!
Laura has been kind enough to offer my readers a sample week of MOMables for FREE, when you sign up for their weekly newsletter. It’s also loaded with free recipes, tips and so much more each week. Or you can just jump in and become a member (because I’m sure you’ll want to)
For fun I am going to challenge myself to dive into my MOMables membership this week (they were kind enough to offer me a free trial membership to try it out myself) and post our lunches on Instagram I hop you’ll follow along!
Want to win a 3 month subscription and a $15 Amazon gift card to purchase your own lunch supplies? MOMables is giving away one awesome prize for a lucky reader!
I love making lunches so much that I make my husband do it and I'm sure he would love some fresh ideas ; )
I must admit, it is one of the dreaded things I need to do each morning. I wish I was more creative. I think that's part of the problem!
This looks great, I'm stuck making the same lunches for my school aged kiddos. It'd be nice for some fresh new ideas.
I love making my kids school lunches so much that they usually get luchables (gasp!)
Thank you Allison for the review!
Such a great idea! Would love to try it:)
I always leave it to the last minute, so it's definitely not my favorite activity. I would love some new ideas.
I feel like I make the same lunch over and over – new ideas are most appreciated! Thanks!
I love making the same three or four lunches day after day : )
Making lunches is always the last thing I remember to do. it is not one of my favorite things 😉
I definitely don't look forward to that task every morning and even I think the lunches I make are starting to get boring. Thanks for the chance!
Making lunches for school can be a challenge, but I do enjoy aspects of it.
school lunches are hard to make but nothing like the day when you can send PB&J favorite 🙂
I enjoy making fun school lunches for my son, but tend to get in a rut!
Making school lunches has been a dreaded task since I had to make them for myself in high school. There is just something about it that is not fun compared to making my boys lunch when we are all home together!!
Definitely not one of my husband (or my) favorite tasks. My husband usually tries to talk our kids into buying their lunches!
I find it fun and a challenge at the same time. The challenge is giving variety and making it fun to eat.
I dread it!!!!!! I had guilted my poor father in covering the cost, which is a whopping $8 A DAY for my four kids. What's worse you ask… I have 3 in Montessori and they are able to engage in snack time all day to build social skills. So – I still have to pack snacks and pay (well, I don't pay)
Packing lunches is a challenge because I like to give them some variety but am limited by what they'll eat, but I'm happy that they've not once asked to buy lunch at school.
Luckily, my kids don't want variety. Or they've choosen their battles?
I have gotten into a lunch rut. My son gets the same four meals rotated over weeks. He's not tired of them, but I am! Would love some inspiration.
Packing lunches has become too repetitive with my two picky eaters. There has to be something more interesting and quick to prepare to put in those pesky lunch boxes!
For variety, sometimes I cut my son's PB&J into squares, and sometimes into triangles!
Packing lunches is old even before school starts since it continues during the summer at day camp. I look forward to Fridays, the day we allow the kids to have the pizza/hot lunch!
I love prepping lunches so much that I don't. 🙁 We only need to prep lunches a couple days a week (we homeschool) but when we do eat out, I usually buy Lunchables. We eat pretty healthy all the rest of the time but I hate packing lunches so much I often resort to "junk food" and excess packaging when I have to.
I am not a fan of lunch making but I try so hard to get creative!
I try to make balanced lunches for the boys, but i find I'm making the same things over and over. When I put a little something different, but familiar, in, it's always a crap shoot if it comes back or not. I love it when their lunch boxes come home empty!
Am I the only one who is tired of making Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches every day of the week? (not my choice by the way)
I'm stuck making the same lunches for my son every night. I wish I was more creative. It'd be nice for some fresh new ideas. Thanks for the chance.
So long as there are hot leftovers I have a happy boy. Unfortunately, there isn't always leftovers.
I don't mind unless it's a last minute thing. Then I hate racing the bus.
I love making lunches for the kiddo, said Deanna…never! New ideas would be much appreciated!
If I start at 9:30, I hate it. Starting at 8:45, it's all sorts of fun. 🙂
Packing lunches at my house is a nightmare! I have three boys–a two year old who knows exactly what he wants (ham, cheese, apples, goldfish–every. single.day), a 9 year old who is on ADHD meds and has no appetite (so pretty much whatever I send comes back home uneaten) and a 13 year old with autism who literally eats absolutely no fruits or vegetables and could live on dry cereal and chips. I'm thinking I could use a little help 🙂
I think the mommy right above me should be nominated. She has her work cut out for her!
I love that I know what my daughter is eating. She's picky, so I only have to pack a few different items for her.
I do like how there are healthier options now for what she likes — items without HFCS, dyes, and other processed ingredients. She does love her Pepperoni, though.
It's helpful that she now can pack her own lunch. I have a list of items she can choose from for each of the food groups, and it makes my mornings go smoother.
Lunch time is getting very tedious…I need some new ideas.
I need some help with lunches for my preschooler! This is a great idea!