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I think every kid should know how to make a newspaper hat. It can transform you from a normal kid to a sailor, a soldier, a pirate – whatever you want to be! There’s something about props that helps you get into character. I used to love making these hats.

Be warned that newspaper is going to rub off on hands and furniture (I like this Ikea tabletop because everything washes off of it)

This always worked when I was younger but for some reason now I needed to cut about 1.5-2″ off of the (non folded) edge of the newspaper. Each hat will take one folded news page. 

Open up the page and lay it down in front of you

Fold it down horizontally (hamburger style).

Take one of the top corners and fold it towards the center of the folded page.

Do the same with the other side

Take one sheet from the bottom and fold it up (leaving the other side down at this point)

Flip it over and fold up the other side

 Put it on and let the acting begin! He insisted on props so he made a telescope out of newspaper and got a parrot to complete the look.

To keep the fun going take your hat and fold it the opposite way it is now, while tucking in the edges.

Take one of the bottom corners and fold it all the way up to the top

Now you have a whole new hat! We thought it looked like a fireman’s hat.

Once the fun from THAT hat wears off – keep the fun going! Fold up the other side of the hat.

 Open up the hat and take one of each of the folded ends in your hands.

and slowly pull them in opposite directions creating…

a boat!

Straighten your boat out to your liking and throw the parrot in for good measure.

Oops! The boat crashed into the wall

And the side of the boat got torn off (try and tear in a slight crescent shape)

Oh no! The other side got torn off as well

Not the top too! (Can you tell he thought this was hysterical?)

Well good thing as the boat unfolded…

It turned into a life jacket!

Newspapers aren’t just for reading! My son (8) was old enough to do the folding on his own, but I’ve done this with younger kids I’ve babysat and did the folding myself. It’s fun to play with the hats and the story and watching the transformation is a lot of the fun.

 Linking up with: It’s Playtime, Local Fun for Kids, Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas

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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!


  1. Your photography is absolutely fantastic! I wish I had that ability to take picture like that. What is sad is we read the news online now. I will have to go out and buy a paper so my kids won't miss out on this classic fun. Thanks for the idea!

  2. Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas Reply

    What a perfect tutorial! I have not done this since I was a kid myself! I really should do it with my girls! You brought back fun memories of us trying to create out of newspaper!

    I would love to entend an invite to join my weekly child centered linky party – The Sunday Showcase. We share ideas like these & fnd great new ideas from others! Hope you'll stop by for a visit – we'd love to have you link up.


  3. Thank you for linking this up on The Sunday SHowcase- he looks so excited to be showing us how to create with newspaper!

  4. Ah, I remember these! When I was little my dad told me the story of a Sailor (who wore his hat), a huge battle (that happened in the boat), and how in the end he needed his life jacket (or sometimes it would end with him in his undershirt!). Fabulous.

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