
Origami Toothpick Spinning Top

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DIY origami toothpick spinning top toyPaper, toothpicks and a bit of tape (or glue) is all you need to create these simple origami toothpick spinning top toys!

Start with 2 pieces of square paper. We’re using 6″x6″ origami paper.

DIY origami toothpick spinning top toyStart with the papers upside down and fold both down 1/3 of the way.DIY origami toothpick spinning top toyNow fold them up 1/3 of the way (you could do both in one step if you wanted.DIY origami toothpick spinning top toyFold the top left corner down to line up with the bottom.DIY origami toothpick spinning top toyNow do the same with the bottom right corner.DIY origami toothpick spinning top toyTurn one of the papers 90 degrees clockwise.DIY origami toothpick spinning top toyNow this paper (the blue one here) goes on top of the yellow.DIY origami toothpick spinning top toyTake the right corner of the yellow paper and fold it over the blue.DIY origami toothpick spinning top toyNow fold the top of the blue downDIY origami toothpick spinning top toyand the left side of the yellow overDIY origami toothpick spinning top toyand the bottom of the blue up.DIY origami toothpick spinning top toyTuck that bottom corner into the yellow to hold it in place.DIY origami toothpick spinning top toyPoke a toothpick into the middle of the paper square.DIY origami toothpick spinning top toyYou can try out your top at this point. Some papers may hold well enough. We found that a piece of tape (we use washi or any paper backed type tape) on the top and bottom helped to keep the paper from sliding. You could also add a bit of glue.DIY origami toothpick spinning top toyGrab the top of the toothpick and spin!DIY origami toothpick spinning top toyMake multiple toys and spin them on a table. See if one top can knock another off without falling off itself!

Check out the rest of toothpick week for more ideas!


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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!

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