
3 Easy Pranks for Kids and Teens

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In our family, we like to prank and trick each other.  So, as a result, we have a lot of them to share. Here are a few of our favorites that we’ve pulled on each other in the past. These can work on your kids or your kids can pull them on the parents!


This one’s pretty easy. All that you need is one piece of uncooked spaghetti, and a good setup. Break the spaghetti into pieces that will fit in the palm of your hand.

Easy pranks for kids and teens Easy pranks for kids and teens Easy pranks for kids and teens Easy pranks for kids and teens

You start off by saying your neck is a little stiff or that it hurts, and that it would help to crack it. After you say that, proceed to pretend to  crack your neck, and with those pieces of spaghetti in your hand, break it in synchronization with your motion. You should get a funny reaction when the other person is surprised by the sound that your “neck” made.

Easy pranks for kids and teens


This one’s a bit gross, since it involves tricking another person into thinking that you’ve sneezed on them. All you need is a cup of water for this one.

Easy pranks for kids and teens

Go behind someone, and get your glass of water ready. Stick the tip of your finger into the water, and then pretend to sneeze. While you pretend to sneeze, flick a little bit of water onto the persons neck. Quickly hide the cup of water, and prepare for their possible annoyment. If you’re close enough to the water, you don’t have to hold the cup. It’s just more “wet” if you can do it immediately after dunking your fingers.

Easy pranks for kids and teens Easy pranks for kids and teens

Nicolas Cage All the Things

This one’s really great if you want to bamboozle a friend who likes to be on their computer. When their not on it, install the nCage chrome extension to their chrome browser.  When it’s activated, any and all pictures are replaced by a photo or GIF of Nicolas Cage. Obviously this works best for those who regularly use Chrome, there may be similar extensions for other browsers. Notice the search terms on these screenshots!

Easy pranks for kids and teens Easy pranks for kids and teens

If you want to be nice you can leave the application open for them, or close it to make them scramble to figure out why every picture is one of Nic Cage.

All of these pranks are harmless, and good fun to pull on your friends and family!

Easy pranks for kids and teens


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Parker Waken is a 15 year old from Phoenix, AZ. His mom Allison started All for the Boys blog when he was 8 years old. Parker now adds to the site with a teen perspective on movies, products and travel locations.

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