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No not the boxcar the children used to live in – a car made out of a box! We always have boxes laying around from our trips to Costco and we like to play with them before we throw them in the recycle bin. This week we made cars! 

Some paint and some imagination and you have 2 perfect toys 🙂 So far they’ve watched a movie in them, drove eachother around in them, chased the dogs and ate snacks in them. Each time I’ve peeked in on them at least one of them is in their car. 

I picked up some bigger paint brushes at the $1 store for them because we needed some bigger ones for large kid painting projects. They definitely helped! We just used tempera poster paints and they worked really well!


I thought that, like with most projects we try, painting the boxes would be the best part of the project. Which would be fine because they were out there for a good 45 min – an hour.

However, they have played with the finished product a lot longer!

How do you have fun with boxes?


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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!

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