


This post is a collaboration with Scotch Colors and Patterns Duct Tape. To see more creative projects, visit Duct tape has been a big deal in this…

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A tradition in our house since the boys got a bit older was to have 2 get togethers for their birthdays. A friend party (their friends) and a family/close friend party (usually dinner). We are lucky to have lots of family that want to love on our boys so to have it all together it gets a little crazy.

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My kids love parties or anything you make into a party. Set up a little snack table and a banner and they are in the party mood! We decided to set up a Pirates viewing party with a fun snack table featuring banana boats for dessert!

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To finish off Spy Week I thought I’d link up to some Spy/Detective/Secret Agent party ideas! Lots of great activities for older kids at Birthday Blueprint A fun…

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