
Craft for Teens and Older Kids: Star Wars Origami

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When the weather isn’t cooperating and the kids are stuck inside, it can be hard to find engaging toys, activities or crafts for the older kids and teens. We’ve been on the hunt for some easy ideas that will keep them off the electronics for a bit and origami has always been a favorite in this house – add some Star Wars and you have a winning craft.

Craft for Teens and Older Kids: Star Wars Origami

This Star Wars Origami book even comes with enough printed sheet for 2 of each project for friends or siblings or just in case you want to perfect your origami. These projects are a touch more advanced (they give you a list of projects in the book and what origami level they are for).

There is a whole guide to the folds at the beginning but if you are new to origami I recommend trying a beginner book first. I also recommend stocking up on some plain origami paper so you can practice before using the printed sheets just in case.

I love that this book has some fun facts about the projects but the printed pages really make these fun.

You can check out the first version if you need even more Star Wars paper folding action in your life.


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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!

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