
May the Fourth Be With You – At Home Star Wars Activities & Ideas

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Did you know that May the 4th is Star Wars Day? Get it, May the Fourth Be With You? Here are some awesome Star Wars games, Star Wars crafts, Star Wars activities, and even our favorite Star Wars gift ideas to celebrate May 4th at home!

May the Fourth Star Wars activities and ideas

from the photo:

You could also make recycled droids with things you find around the house


or droid targets for your blasters!

DIY droid targets inspired by Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Or a Star Wars Terrarium!

DIY Star Wars and other themed terrariums

We’re celebrating with these new SwimWays pool toys they sent us to check out – how awesome is this floating Millennium Falcon?!

Millennium Falcon pool toy from Swimways Millennium Falcon pool toy from Swimways Millennium Falcon pool toy from Swimways

You’d make any Star Wars fan’s day by bringing home their very own BB-8, R2-D2, or BB-9E – these are SO much fun and are constantly a favorite toy when friends come over.


May the Fourth Be With You!

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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!

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