
DIY Folded Floating Catamaran

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DIY folded floating catamaran!We thought it would be fun to learn a new folded boat since we haven’t been using the pool for much of anything lately. This folded catamaran is pretty easy and we did a float test along with the traditional paper boat.

Here’s how to make your own. Start with a square sheet of paper (this is a very thick paper because that’s what was easiest to grab). If you’re going for a certain color on the outside, start with the color down. Fold in half.

DIY folded floating catamaran!Open the paper up and fold both sides in to the center fold.DIY folded floating catamaran!Open up and turn 1/4 of a turn. Fold in half again.

DIY folded floating catamaran!Open up and fold the outsides in to the center again. Open once again.aftb-floating-catamaran-7Now fold a corner to an opposite corner, open and repeat with the other side.

DIY folded floating catamaran!Next you’re going to open it up and turn the paper over. Fold a corner into the center.

DIY folded floating catamaran!Repeat with all 4 corners. Open up and turn over again.

DIY folded floating catamaran!Now you’re going to fold the two sides in. As you do allow the top to fold out as in this picture.

DIY folded floating catamaran!When it’s flat it looks like this (mine keeps popping open but that’s ok)DIY folded floating catamaran!Do the same to the bottom.

DIY folded floating catamaran!Now you’re going to turn the whole thing over and see the square on the top? You’re just going to fold that in half finishing off the catamaran!

DIY folded floating catamaran!

DIY folded floating catamaran!

DIY folded floating catamaran!It floats just as good, if not better than a traditional paper boat. But why not try it yourself! See how many LEGO bricks, coins, or stones each one can hold before sinking. (Bathtubs or bowls work too)

DIY folded floating catamaran!

DIY folded floating catamaran!I don’t think I have to remind you – but always watch your kids around water!

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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!

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